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PENTING dan UPDATE ! Pendaftaran CASN( CPNS & CALON PPPK / P3K ) 2024,Segera Dibuka, Ini LINK nya !

PENTING dan UPDATE !  Pendaftaran CASN( CPNS & CALON PPPK / P3K ) 2024,Segera Dibuka, Ini LINK nya !
( KLIK GAMBAR UNTUK LINK REGISTRASI NYA ) , PPPK = PEGAWAI PEMERINTAH DENGAN PERJANJIAN KERJA, ASN = APARATUR SIPIL NEGARA , CPNS = CALON PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL ; PENTING dan UPDATE ! Pendaftaran CASN ( CPNS DAN CALON PPPK / P3K ) 2024,Segera Dibuka, Berikut Link Resmi & Cara Log in & Isi Data di web sscasn & Daftar WEBSITE KURSUS & TRY OUT UJIAN CPNS,PPPK/P3K, SEKOLAH KEDINASAN (BONUS ; e-book english IELTS, Software & e-book TOEFL,software psikotes, modu & try out CASN ) Salam sehat selalu ( atas berkah Rahmat Alloh, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa 🙏 ) KLIK LANGSUNG KE LINK ; ( In Sya ALLOH bukan MALWARE ) 🙏🙏🙏

Senin, 17 Juni 2019

Very Important News, the right way to choose a good product of needle free injector's (which already had CE certified, the price is relatively affordable, not imitation product, distributed by registered distributors)

jonadoctor Salah satu jenis produk alat suntik tanpa jarum
One type of syringe product without needles

Currently, it is popular and is more developed , use of medical devices like Needle free injectors. Some developed countries have competed to produce and market needle-free injectors (syringes) to meet the needs of people who have begun to leave conventional syringes (with needles). Conventional syringes are still useful, especially for intravenous injection (through veins), intravenous blood collection, or allergy testing (skin test). As for the Intramuscular injection, Subcutaneous injection for local anesthesia, immunization or drug injections routinely such as diabetes medication, anti-blood clotting drugs, most people have begun to choose a needle-less syringe that is almost painless and avoids some side effects of using needles on conventional injection syringe.

 When making decisions about use of needle-free syringes, the choice of product must be suitable for you and your needs. You must consider the financial aspects, features and technical specifications to form your own opinion and choose the best needle-free injection device for yourself and your needs. 

Based on the survey of injector use by overseas consumers, a good (even best) needle-free injection system should have the following criteria;

  •  1. Needle-free syringes must be designed and approved (in research) for predetermined applications, for example subcutaneous or intra-muscular. 
  •  2. Needle-free syringes must be available for purchase directly by the public. 
  •  3.Suppliers of needle-free syringes must be willing to provide training in how to use and answer consumer's questions about the use of tools. 
  •  4. Needle-free syringe manufacturer, has an updated and reliable certificate without any history of takeovers, bankruptcy and forced stops by CE ( Conformite Europeenne / certification mark showing compliance with health, safety and environmental protection safety standards for products sold in the European Economic Area) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration / Department which charge of regulating food, food supplements, medicines, products biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusion, medical devices, devices for therapy with radiation, veterinary products, and cosmetics in United States.)
  •  5. The price is quite affordable. 

 According to the consumer survey, a COMFORT-IN, one brand of needle-free syringe can meet the above criteria to be called a good needle-free syringe. In fact, the results of a consumer survey by one of the neighboring developed countries of Indonesia, the Comfort-in TM feature makes it the best choice for needleless injection on the market.  

New Starter Pack of Comfort-In Needle Free Injector

Here is the advantage of choosing Comfort-In Needle Free Injector as a Medical device according to the web page injectneedlefree ( at a glance ) ;

 A. Adapter and usage application. 
 Comfort-in , has an adapter circuit that is suitable for all types of insulin. Totally,There are five adapters available, making it very flexible and suitable for more than just insulin. For example, Comfort-in has an adapter to fit 14mm or 22mm crimped diameters, insulin pens, adapters for human teeth, and Luer or universal adapters. This makes Comfort-in not only compatible with all types of insulin, but also available for other uses.

 B.Limitation of Dosage. 
 Comfort-in can produce doses between 0.5 units and 50 units (0.05ml-0.5 ml) of insulin or other liquid drugs, making it suitable for adults, as well as children. The life of Comfort-in is designed to produce 10,000 injections. For example, when using the same Four ( 4) injections in a day for injecting Insulin Drugs, Comfort-in can be used persistently more than 6 years during the injection procedure according to the provisions of the manufacturer.

 Specifications at a Glance. 

 Product's name: Needle-free injector Comfort-In. 
Manufacturer: Mika Medical, co. ,South Korea .

Usage application. 

Here are some examples of using Comfort In for health services.

daftar kegunaan injektor bebas jarum di kesehatan jonadoctor
List of uses for needle free injectors in health.

Tools System and Work mechanism ; Powerful spring action with various  psi pressure depending on each Type )

Based on reviews and testimonials of medical device users in various regions, at this time, Comfort-In is the best solution as a syringe tool and the injection process is much easier and faster, which has Free Needle Jet Injection technology with various pressures (psi = Pounds per Square Inch). Comfort-In has 3 types;

1. Normal; Used for patients who have thick fat tissue or areas of the body that require higher pressure than needle free injection devices such as in the thigh or stomach area. For example for those with diabetes mellitus who will inject insulin with a measured pressure of 4150 Psi.

2. Medium; Used for patients who have thinner fat tissue for areas of the body that have thinner fat such as the hands, feet and penis, with a measured pressure of 2905 Psi.

3. Soft With a measured pressure of 1245 Psi

; This type is very suitable for dentists, as a means of gum anesthesia. Because of its low pressure this product is also very well used for medical procedures in infants and children, for various purposes, most often for injection of immunized fluids so that children and babies are cooperative, not fussy (crying), making it easier for doctors or midwives or nurses more calm and thorough in making the injection. With the lowest pressure and the structure of skin and fat tissue in infants that are still at a developmental stage (lipid tissue and thin skin barrier), injecting liquid medicine into the baby's skin will certainly greatly minimize the risk of inflammation / local inflammation of skin tissue if done with A syringe without a needle (Needle Free Injector).

Certification. CE Certification (Comformitte Europenne) 

 Consumables Parts. 

jonadoctor sedia unit baru injeksi tanpa jarum comfort in grosir eceran
Starter Pack Of Needle Free Injector
Contoh nosel comfort in jonadoctor IKB
NOZZLE to connect body injector with drug's fluid for human's body surface

Contoh Adaptor vial tipe T comfort In jonadoctor IKB
T Type Vial Adaptor of comfort In to connect injector with drug vial/ampoule

zone doctor jonadoctor health and business, Needle Free Injector is ready to use for injection of liquid medicine
Injector of comfort in with Drug ready to be injected

 - Nozzle (ampoule) that is ideally used and changes every 5-8 injections
 - Vial Adapters according to the type of drugs liquid that ideally changed every one vial of liquid medicine is injected. 

 Support Parts of Tools. 
 Pressure leveler, Pressure / reset box, User guide (manual book) 

 Comfort-in's nozzle dose : 0.5 units and 50 units (0.05 ml-0.5 ml) Liquid Medication 

 Total injections of comfort-in injector unit: 10,000 times. 

 Based on consumer surveys that have been assisted by Jonadoctor Health and Business Information in obtaining Comfort-in needle free Injector, here are the reasons why consumers choose comfort in besides the advantages above: 

  •  Properly proven to be easy to use. 
  •  Correctly proven to be minimal damage and can be used repeatedly as long as following the manufacturer's requirements (in 1 year of use, almost no one complained about comfort-in performance, except that in the beginning there was a rather weak comfort- in performance (quite a small percentage). 
  • Consumables Part and supporting tools that are easily obtained (still produced continuously by Manufacturer). 
  •  For local anesthesia, especially in the action of subcutaneous anesthesia before circumcision, almost every injection with comfort in, the quality of anesthesia produced is still good, even though the healhtworker or injector is new beginners in usage of needle free injector (of course, still follow the provisions of injections recommended by manufacturers). (opinion from one of the circumcision operators medical staff at a circumcision clinic in Bogor City Of Indonesia, 2017) 
  • Another important finding in this study was that the duration of pulpal anesthesia was lower for the jet injection compared with the traditional syringe injection. This may be attributed to pharmacokinetic processes that take place during tissue diffusion after injecting the anesthetic. The greater is the initial concentration of local anesthetic in the non-ionized form at the injection site, the faster is the diffusion, with unimpeded movement of these liposoluble molecules towards the nerve fascicles in the epineurium.  The local anesthetic diffusion is not unidirectional. A jet injection that deposits the entire anesthetic volume in a fraction of a second possibly allows a higher rate of diffusion by providing a high anesthetic concentration at one time. When it diffuses into the nerve, the local anesthetic becomes progressively more diluted because of extracellular tissue fluids. At this point, nonneural tissues, the capillaries and lymphatic vessels in the region of infiltration, also absorb the drug. As the concentration of extraneural local anesthetic decreases, the concentration of local anesthetic within the nerve rises with progressing diffusion until the concentrations are balanced, and then they begin to reverse. The nerve impulses relaying pain to the brain remain blocked only until the local anesthetic is present in the nerve, and this time period defines the duration of anesthesia. The possible increase in the speed of all these events due to the high initial concentration of the anesthetic solution after the jet injection compared with the slow infiltration of the anesthetic with a traditional syringe can explain the significant difference in pulpal anesthesia durations.
One clinical trial determined that the mean pulpal anesthetic duration for the traditional technique is 50±9.32 minutes ( p more than  0.001 ) with a short needle and carpule syringe, whereas the jet injection technique resulted in the lowest duration of 20±3.53 minutes ( p more than 0.001 ). These results are consistent with the findings of our study. ( Allan Carlos Araújo de OLIVEIRA, et Al. 2018. " Assessment of anesthetic properties and pain during needleless jet injection anesthesia: a randomized clinical trial ". JAOS, Journal Of Applied Oral Science. Brazil ; Sao Paulo.  Page 6 of 7.)"
  • Research on the use of needle-free syringes (Needle free jet injector) in people with Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes). Cross-match for division evaluation division using needle-free jet injector (Comfort-In) and conventional pen type syringe. (2013, Yonsei University Severance Hospital: licensee of Mika Medical Co). Results: The infusion / insulin injection method with a needle-free injector Jet (Comfort-in Trademark) showed an increase in fast acting plasma plasma concentrations and a glucose-lowering effect that looked faster when compared to conventional pen type insulin injection methods. 
  • -Improved pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of rapid-acting insulin by using Needle-Free Jet Injection Technology. (2011, From the Department of Internal Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.). Results: In conclusion, current research shows that when insulin is given with a jet injector instead of a conventional insulin pen, a faster onset for insulin action can be achieved. Insulin given by jet injector more closely resembles the pattern of endogenous insulin secretion secretion and can therefore be beneficial in providing a more physiological postprandial insulin profile
  •  - Jet injection in gestational diabetes. (1993, Sansum Medical Research Foundation, Santa Barbara, CA 93105) .Results: Jet injection injectors are associated with reduced antibody responses and postprandial variability compared with insulin injected with conventional pens. Thus, this guarantees consideration as a therapeutic option for women with gestational diabetes mellitus and may also apply to non-pregnant diabetic patients who need insulin
  •  - Needle-free jet injection of rapid-acting insulin improves early postprandial glucose control in patients with diabetes (2013, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.) Results: In the current study, we found that injector jet injection accelerated aspart insulin absorption in patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes treated with insulin. This better pharmacokinetic profile is initially followed by congruent reduction of glucose travel after meals High glycemic index foods, especially during but not beyond the first hour. Jet injection injector can be a good needle-free alternative to conventional insulin pens that have at least the same pharmacological efficacy for insulin administration in diabetics.

The following video shows the injection of a local anesthetic (for numbness) with Lidocaine on the lower limb subcutaneously with the Needle Free Injector / syringe ,Comfort-in trademark, below the video's link address, please click to visit the address of the video web.

PLAYLIST OF VIDEO, How to prepare syringes without needles ( needle free injector )How to prepare syringes without needles ( needle free injector )

zone doctor jonadoctor health and business, Illustration of Medication Injections in the Abdominal Wall Muscle with a syringe without needles Comfort In
Illustration of Medication Injections in the Abdominal Wall Muscle with a syringe without needles Comfort In

zone doctor jonadoctor health and business The direction of insulin injection in the abdomen so that the minimum risk of infection after the injection, and can be painless by using a needle free injector
The direction of insulin injection in the abdomen so that the minimum risk of infection after the injection, and can be painless by using a needle free injector

 Thus at a glance the advantages and benefits of Comfort-In needles free injector. There are still many other needles free injectors products produced by the Other Country that also have their own advantages and benefits. And as good as the performance of a comfort-in needle free injector, it certainly has disadvantages too, even though until now, consumers who have bought and used comfort-in almost rarely complain about these weaknesses. The choice of consumers for needle free jet injectors depends on the consideration of each individual who may not always be the same, even though statistically, there is a dominant reason for a needle free injector's product to be the best choice. 

However, if you feel curious or want to know more deeply and even prove the advantages of comfort-in as stated by the consumer above, please contact management of Jonadoctor Health and Business Information (provider of actual health information and business trends, as well as buying and selling needle free syringes ( injector) in the following two numbers ( can be contacted with WhatsApp Appllicat ;

1. Ny.A.sekar.T, SST ( Paramedis )

2.Tn.Is.Dar, MD ( Medis / Telemedicine and Business )

Or by email at :

Or by sending a message via Chat ;



Hopefully useful, healthy greetings physically and mentally, also hope you are always successful.   


distribution permit for medical devices from the Ministry of Health in the Republic of Indonesia, Needle Free Injector, Comfort-In TM

zone doctor jonadoctor health business The latest condition of nozzle to store the liquid of the medicine to be injected with Comfort in syringes without needles
The latest condition of nozzle to store the liquid of the medicine to be injected with Comfort in syringes without needles

zone doctor jondoctor health business Specifications of Nozzle's latest condition to collect liquid medicine to be injected with Comfort in syringes without needles
Specifications of Nozzle's latest condition to collect liquid medicine to be injected with Comfort in syringes without needles

LATEST, "Special_Price" , In MAY 2019, PRICES OF COMFORT-IN NEEDLE FREE INJECTOR PACKAGE , Get Discount Range 20% FROM PREVIOUS NORMAL PRICES and are the first trademark of needle free syringes / injector and components (nozzles) in Indonesia has a distribution permit from the Indonesian Ministry of Health AKL Number ; 20902818911 )





Jonadoctor IKB menyediakan pemesanan nosel/nozzle cap comfort in
"Jonadoctor Health & Business Information provides reservations for the cap nozzle and nozzle of comfort-in"
At present, a good flat or curve type of nozzle, you can get by buying and or ordering at Jonadoctor Health and Business information at friendly prices is relatively inexpensive than on the market and guaranteed authentic quality from South Korean manufacturers. You can also order medical devices; RYPs staplers, Alisklamp, Vial and T type adapters of Comfort-in that are of original quality, friendly prices are relatively cheap compared to the market as well.


A. ONLINE Purchase (Purchase funds are paid by bank transfer) FROM OUTSIDE COUNTRY 


Bukti Pengiriman Paket  Luar Negeri ( Malaysia ) jonadoctor informasi kesehatan dan bisnis
Proof of receipt of overseas shipping (Malaysia)

Proses Pengiriman Paket  Luar Negeri ( Malaysia ) jonadoctor informasi kesehatan dan bisnis
The process of sending foreign packages (Malaysia) with international expeditions.

B. Buy ONLINE (Purchase Funds paid by transfer) FROM DOMESTIC

Testimonies from Buyers of Medical Devices through Jonadoctor, Health and Business 
Jonadoctor health business zone doctor History of purchase of medical equipment injectors (Noozle of Comfort In Needle Free Injector ) by paramedics at a Clinic

Jonadoctor health business zone doctor History of purchase of medical equipment injectors (Noozle of Comfort In Needle Free Injector ) by paramedics at a Clinic
Testimonies from purchase of medical equipment injectors (Nozzle of Comfort In Needle Free Injector ) by paramedics at a Clinic

jonadoctor, health and bbusiness, History of purchase of medical equipment injectors (syringes without needles trademark Comfort In) by paramedics at a hospital
History of purchase of medical equipment injectors (syringes without needles trademark Comfort In) by paramedics at a hospital

Testimonials of comfort in injector buyers

    Online needle free Injector buyer testimonials
Testimoni pembeli injektor bebas jarum comfort in jonadoctor
Testimonials of comfort in nozzle buyers

  • C.   
  • Buy in COD (Cash On Delivery)

      Testimonials of comfort in injector buyers on-site by cash fund (in our store)

      •  injectneedlefree webpage. 
      • Comfort in needle free product injection presentation product, MKglobal.
      • Comfort in user's opinion survey by Jonadoctor information on Health and Business. 
      • VisiSejahteraMed,
      • Comfort in product presentation video, Mika, on youtube webpage 
      •  Wikipedia webpage
      •  Report On Counterfeit of comfort In. Mikamed property
      • Setyorini, M, MD dalam web mediaindonesia editor by Kartinah, E

      "We are ordinary people who are not immune from neglect, but we are also human beings who always try to learn to apply goodness. Thus, we hope that criticism and positive suggestions are good for the content of our writing, even though we always try to find the right source and monitor the development of the source of knowledge. May God bless our efforts and fellow readers in sharing the knowledge of truth for the benefit of the world for the Hereafter, and avoiding defamation, discrimination of ethnicity, religion, race, class, violation of state and religious law, copyright infringement. Thank You Very Much", healthy greetings physically and mentally, Also Success in business.Jonadoctor 2008 - 2022 (contact us at e-mail:

      Rabu, 05 Juni 2019

      Tetap Semangat meski Mengakhiri Puasa Ramadhan, Juga Bahagia menggapai Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1440 H / 2019

      Jonadoctor ucapan selamat idul fitri 1440H

      “...Orang yang berpuasa akan mendapat dua kegembiraan. Apabila berbuka ia  merasa gembira . Dan apabila bertemu dengan Allah, ia gembira pula karena puasanya ”.  

      Kalimat tersebut merupakan bunyi hadits Qudsi Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, dan Ahmad yang mengandung makna bahwa Ketika seseorang berbuka, maka yang ada adalah kenikmatan yang dirasakan saat itu karena ia telah melepaskan dahaga atau enaknya hidangan yang dimakannya. Haus dan beratnya hal hal yang harus dijaga seharian selama berpuasa seolah tak berarti dan telah hilang semua. Begitu juga setelah ditunaikan ibadah selama sebulan penuh,  dengan tibanya hari raya iedul fitri, maka segala ‘penderitaan’ selama sebulan seolah tak pernah ada. Demikianlah sesungguhnya yang dirasakan adalah saat itu, saat yang terakhir. Akan tetapi,akankah kita akan mengakhiri bulan ramadhan seolah berlalu begitu saja?..Tidak adakah kenangan bermakna di dalamnya?..

      Puasa Ramadhan merupakan puasa menahan makan dan minum beserta syarat wajib puasa dalam agama Islam selama satu bulan. Puasa Ramadhan dimulai dari fajar dan berakhir saat adzan maghrib setiap harinya. Dalam kaidah agama Islam, puasa ramadhan menjadi kewajiban bagi semua muslim yang baligh, kecuali mereka yang tergolong ke dalam kelompok yang diperbolehkan tidak berpuasa. Dengan menjalankan kewajiban syariat agama, tentunya akan mendapat pahala apabila kita melaksanakan puasa tersebut secara khusyu, dan ikhlas sesuai tuntunannya.

      BACA JUGA ; Suplemen Kekebalan Tubuh ampuh Dengan Sejuta Kelebihan Melawan Penyakit Infeksi, Auto Imun dan Alergi (VIUSID)

      Secara Kedokteran, puasa juga memiliki banyak makna. Dari segi fisiologi puasa pada bulan ramadhan adalah suatu upaya untuk mengistirahatkan sistem pencernaan selama 1 bulan yang telah bekerja selama 11 bulan. Puasa yang dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan sebenarnya identik dengan cleansing (pembersihan) atau detoksifikasi (upaya pengeluaran racun dari dalam tubuh). Memang perlu waktu bertahap dimulai dari hari pertama berpuasa,kedua,ketiga sampai seminggu pertama agar sistem organ tubuh kita beradaptasi.

      Berdasarkan penelitian PENELITI asal Jepang, Profesor Yoshinori Ohsumi juga menemukan satu cara sedernana untuk ‘memancing’ terjadinya autophagy dalam sel. Seperti dilansir dari laman resmi Buchinger Wilhelmi, cara sederhana tersebut ialah berpuasa.

      Ohsumi menemukan bahwa kunci untuk ‘mengaktivasi’ proses autophagy pada sel ialah kondisi kekurangan nutrisi. Di sisi lain, berpuasa membuat otak menerima sinyal bahwa tubuh sedang kekurangan makanan dan mencari-cari makanan yang tersisa dalam tubuh.

      Proses ini membuat autophagy teraktivasi dan sel mulai melakukan perusakan terhadap protein yang rusak ataupun tua di dalam tubuh. Ketika kadar insulin dalam tubuh menurun, glucagon mulai bekerja dan membersihkan sisa-sisa sel yang telah mati atau rusak.

      Selama proses ini, tubuh harus terbebas dari makanan atau minuman minimal selama 12 jam, sesuai dengan durasi berpuasa umat Muslim pada umumnya. Sedikit saja makanan yang masuk ke tubuh sebelum 12 jam dapat membuat proses autophagy terhenti.

      Keadaan psikologis yang tenang, teduh dan tidak dipenuhi rasa amarah saat puasa ternyata dapat menurunkan adrenalin. Adrenalin selama ini dikenal berhubungan erat dengan keadaan tegang, marah, stress, takut serta jengkel. Pada saat tidak berpuasa kemudian marah, akan terjadi peningkatan jumlah adrenalin sebesar 20-30 kali lipat. Adrenalin akan memperkecil kontraksi otot empedu, menyempitkan pembuluh darah perifer, meluaskan pembuluh darah koroner, meningkatkan tekanan darah arterial dan menambah volume darah ke jantung dan jumlah detak jantung. Adrenalin juga menambah pembentukan kolesterol dari lemak protein berkepadatan rendah. Berbagai hal tersebut ternyata dapat meningkatkan resiko penyakit pembuluh darah, jantung dan otak seperti jantung koroner, stroke dan lainnya. Dan masih banyak manfaat puasa untuk kesehatan tubuh manusia.

      Saat ini adalah,saat dimana kita tiba pada masa akhir dari bulan Ramadhan 1440 H yang sebentar lagi akan berganti dengan Idul Fitri. Hari-hari akhir bulan suci Ramadhan telah terasa hawanya. Akan tetapi terdapat beberapa fenomena kebiasaaan masyarakat yang kurang pas.  Masjid diisi dengan sejumlah minim orang beritikaf.  Mall dan pusat perbelanjaan diisi dengan hiruk pikuk dan sesaknya orang yang bersiap untuk lebaran. Jalan kemanapun macet. Mudik telah digadang-gadang.  Ada yang memang benar pulang untuk bersilaturahmi di kampung, ada pula yang nyatanya hanya  mau berlibur. Kendaraan disiapkan, baik milik sendiri maupun sewaan. THR (Tunjangan Hari Raya) menjadi kata yang paling populer, dibahas, dituntut, bahkan ada juga yang didemo dengan garang.  Seluruhnya menjadi bagian dari dinamika akhir Ramadhan.

      Alangkah lebih baik, bila kita mengoptimalkan ibadah di akhir Ramadhan ini. Ada beberapa hal yang lebih baik kita utamakan dalam mengakhiri Ramadhan ini.      Antara lain :

      • Pertama. I’tikaf yang artinya berhenti sejenak untuk mendekat kepada Allah SWT
      • Kedua, akhir Ramadhan adalah saat turunnya Alquran dahulu, dan kini ayat-ayat Quran itu turun ke hati-hati insan yang sedang beribadah shaum. Khatam membaca dan memahami Al Qur’an merupakan happy ending bagi fikiran yang tercerahkan.
      • Ketiga, berzakat khususnya membayar zakat fitrah.
      • Keempat, bersiap untuk sampai pada idul fitri hari raya mengagungkan Allah dengan bertakbir, melaksanakan  shalat sunnat berjamaah, lalu bermaaf-maafan serta silaturahim. Hari kembali ke kesucian diri yang     penuh dengan ampunan Ilahi.

      Perlu menjadi perhatian, bahwa Pemerintah Republik Indonesia menetapkan 1 Syawal 1440H jatuh pada hari Rabu, 5 Juni 2019. Hal ini disampaikan Menteri Agama Lukman Hakim Saifuddin usai memimpin sidang isbat, di Auditorium HM Rasjidi, Kantor Kementerian Agama, Jakarta. 

      "Kita mendengar laporan dari sejumlah perukyah hilal bekerja di bawah sumpah, terdiri dari provinsi Aceh hingga Papua. Ada 33 perukyah yang ada, tidak ada satu pun yang melihat hilal," ujar Menag yang didampingi Ketua Komisi VIII DPR Ali Taher dan Ketua MUI Yusnar Yusuf. "Maka sebagaimana kaidah yang berlaku,  bulan Ramadan tahun ini digenapkan 30 hari," tegas Menag. 

      Hal tersebut sesuai dengan syarat yang tercantum dalam Fatwa MUI nomor 2 tahun 2004 yang disebutkan bahwa dalam menetapkan awal Ramadan, Syawal dan Dzulhijjah, Menteri Agama wajib berkonsultasi dengan majelis ulama Indonesia, ormas-ormas islam dan institusi terkait.  Juga,  dicantumkan kaidah fikih bahwa keputusan pemerintah mengikat dan menghilangkan silang pendapat.

      Dan hal di atas sudah dipenuhi oleh Kementerian Agama. Maka dengan demikian, tidak ada alasan bagi umat muslim di Indonesia untuk menolak hasil sidang isbat, Ujat Ketua MUI KH Yusnar Yusuf di Kantor Kementerian Agama, Jakarta.

      Memang kita seharusnya memahami dan mampu menyesuaikan dengan ungkapan “Akhir itu lebih baik daripada awal”. Karenanya akhir Ramadhan harus lebih berkualitas ketimbang sebelumnya.

      Demikian,sedikit pengetahuan untuk saling kita bagi. Semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi berkah. Dan tak lupa, dalam momen Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1440 H nanti, kami, segenap manajemen Jonadoctor Informasi Kesehatan dan Bisnis (Penyedia Informasi kesehatan dan trend bisnis update serta Alat Kesehatan Mutakhir ) mengucapkan PERMOHONAN MAAF KEPADA SEMUA WARGANET dimana pun berada, APABILA ADA KESALAHAN UCAPAN DAN TINDAKAN, SEMUA BERASAL DARI DIRI KAMI, dan apabila ada kebaikan, semua berasal dari ALLAH

       Akhir kata, kami hanya bisa sedikit bersajak dan penuh harap, semoga kita semua tetap sehat lahir batin dan  dipertemukan dengan bulan nan penuh rahmat, bulan Ramadhan di Tahun Yang Akan Datang, AAMINN.

      "Waktu mengalir bagaikan air
       Bulan Ramadhan 1440 H telah berakhir
      Sayup terdengar kumandang Takbir
      Di Sela Insan Mulia menuju hilir
      Bersua sanak kerabat dan ber Musafir.

       Sekian lama khilaf dan salah terjadi
       Karena kurang nan lemah menghiasi diri
       Ijinkan kami mengucap Selamat Idul fitri 1440 H
       Berharap maaf terbuka tiada henti
       Demi menjaga tali Silaturahmi

       Di Hari Raya dan seterusnya nanti.

      SeIamat Idul Fitri 1440 H.
       Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batinِ "

      "Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum Wa Ja’alanallahu Minal ‘Aidzin Wal Faizin" : “Semoga Allah menerima (amalan-amalan) yang telah aku dan kalian lakukan dan semoga Allah menjadikan kita termasuk (orang-orang) yang kembali (kepada fitrah) dan (mendapat) kemenangan”.

      Sumber :

      - web Republika
      - web Kompasiana
      - web Muslim
      - web Metrojambi
      - beberapa foto oleh admin IT weblog
      - Sodikin dalam web Islampos
      -web kemenag


      "Kami adalah manusia biasa yang tidak luput dari kealpaan, namun kami juga manusia yang selalu berusaha belajar menerapkan kebaikan. Dengan Demikian, kami berharap kritik dan saran positif secara baik terhadap konten tulisan kami, walaupun kami selalu berusaha maksimal mencari sumber yang paling benar dan memantau perkembangan sumber ilmunya. Semoga Allah ,Tuhan Yang Maha Esa me-Ridhoi usaha kami dan rekan pembaca dalam berbagi ilmu kebenaran ,demi Kemaslahatan Dunia Untuk Akhirat, serta dihindarkan dari tindakan pencemaran Nama baik, diskriminasi suku,agama,ras, Antar golongan, pelanggaran hukum agama dan negara serta Pelanggaran Hak cipta. Terima Kasih", Salam sehat lahir batin,  Sukses selalu  dan kembali Jaya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

      Jonadoctor 2008 - 2019 ( contact us @  , mail : )


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